
Ionospheric Products

Vertical Total Electron Content (VTEC) estimated in Near Real-Time (NRT) every 5 minutes with multi-GNSS data (GPS+GLONASS+Galileo) from the EUREF Permanent Network (EPN) (before the 20/05/2022, every 15 minutes with GPS-only data).

  • Statistical Maps and Plots: statistics to compare the ionosphere for a requested time with respect to the 15 previous days.
  • VTEC Time Series: the VTEC evolution over time and its median of the 15 previous days (24h prediction), extracted from the VTEC maps at 3 different locations (North of Europe, Brussels and South of Europe).
  • ROB Products are publicly available in IONEX format at We request that users include a citation or an acknowledgment when using ROB products. See disclaimer and copyright for more information.

Publications and Communications

Bergeot N., Chevalier J.-M., Bruyninx C., Pottiaux E., Aerts W., Baire Q., Legrand J., P. Defraigne and W. Huang, "Near real-time ionospheric monitoring over Europe at the Royal Observatory of Belgium using GNSS data", J. Space Weather Space Clim., 2014, 4 A31, doi:

Bergeot N., Bruyninx C., Defraigne P., Pireaux S., Legrand J., Pottiaux E., Baire Q., "Impact of the Halloween 2003 Ionospheric Storm on Kinematic GPS Positioning in Europe", GPS Solutions, 2010, doi: 10.1007/s10291-010-0181-9.

Chevalier J.-M., Benoit L., Bergeot N., Bruyninx C., Legrand J., Burston R., Defraigne P., Pottiaux E., Baire Q., "Near Real Time GPS-Based Ionospheric Models : Application to Belgium", AGU Fall Meeting, 12-17/12/2010, San Francisco, USA.

Bergeot N., Chevalier J.-M., Benoit L., Bruyninx C., Legrand J., Pottiaux E., Baire Q., Defraigne P., "Near Real Time Ionospheric Models from European Permanent Network GPS Data", EUREF Annual Sym, 24-27/05/2011, Chisinau, Moldova.